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 alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you

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alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyDim 9 Mar - 22:21

Ça marche... Par contre la je sais pas commencer je suis avec l'iPad devant teen Wolf lol
Je commence enfin la série lol
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Alec J. Connolly

Alec J. Connolly
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/02/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 1274
☆ Avatar : David Tennant
☆ Crédits : ©Moutyy (avatar) ©Soapflaws (signature)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Prof de chimie
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Tumblr_m4sml4n8hm1qi3rkr

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyDim 9 Mar - 22:27

Pas de souci, je peux commencer si tu veux. On le fait où le sujet ?
J'aimerais changer de la salle de cours alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 56365784
Salle des profs ça peut être marrant, ou alors les couloirs, les escaliers ... Qu'est-ce qui te tente ?
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alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyDim 9 Mar - 22:30

Peut m'importe a toi de voir ou tu serais lol
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Alec J. Connolly

Alec J. Connolly
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/02/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 1274
☆ Avatar : David Tennant
☆ Crédits : ©Moutyy (avatar) ©Soapflaws (signature)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Prof de chimie
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Tumblr_m4sml4n8hm1qi3rkr

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyDim 9 Mar - 22:33

Haha tu m'aides tellement toi alors !!!
Bon j'essaie de faire ça et je t'envoie le lien alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 735298701
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alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyDim 9 Mar - 22:34

Je suis complètement inutile à cette heure ci à part pour les conneries xd
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Alec J. Connolly

Alec J. Connolly
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/02/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 1274
☆ Avatar : David Tennant
☆ Crédits : ©Moutyy (avatar) ©Soapflaws (signature)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Prof de chimie
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Tumblr_m4sml4n8hm1qi3rkr

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyDim 9 Mar - 22:36

Bon au moins tu es utile pour quelque chose. Même si cette chose en elle-même n'est pas toujours très utile. Remarque ça n'est même pas vrai, la connerie remonte le moral, la connerie rend joyeux, et la connerie amène encore plus de connerie !
Bon ok j'arrête  alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 646875915 
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alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyDim 9 Mar - 22:38

Enfuit toi xd
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Alec J. Connolly

Alec J. Connolly
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/02/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 1274
☆ Avatar : David Tennant
☆ Crédits : ©Moutyy (avatar) ©Soapflaws (signature)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Prof de chimie
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Tumblr_m4sml4n8hm1qi3rkr

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyDim 9 Mar - 22:39

Je m'enfuis vers l'écriture de notre sujet  alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 3276791710 
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Mailynn Grayson-Mayfield

Mailynn Grayson-Mayfield
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/04/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 343
☆ Avatar : shailene woodley
☆ Crédits : ©tumblr (gifs) ©episkey. (signature) ©Sugar Slaughter (avatar)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : en 1ère année dans la filière « génie chimique »

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Avr - 10:10

je crois que tu es mon professeur alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 3276791710
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Alec J. Connolly

Alec J. Connolly
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/02/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 1274
☆ Avatar : David Tennant
☆ Crédits : ©Moutyy (avatar) ©Soapflaws (signature)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Prof de chimie
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Tumblr_m4sml4n8hm1qi3rkr

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Avr - 10:13

Oui oui ouiiiiiiii alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 3206572175
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Mailynn Grayson-Mayfield

Mailynn Grayson-Mayfield
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/04/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 343
☆ Avatar : shailene woodley
☆ Crédits : ©tumblr (gifs) ©episkey. (signature) ©Sugar Slaughter (avatar)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : en 1ère année dans la filière « génie chimique »

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Avr - 10:16

ca a l'air de te faire plaisir alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 56365784 alors, leurs relations ? alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 3276791710
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Alec J. Connolly

Alec J. Connolly
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/02/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 1274
☆ Avatar : David Tennant
☆ Crédits : ©Moutyy (avatar) ©Soapflaws (signature)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Prof de chimie
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Tumblr_m4sml4n8hm1qi3rkr

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Avr - 10:43

Je suis toujours ravie d'avoir des étudiants pour Alec alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 56365784
Ben je sais pas. Tu veux qu'ils s'entendent mal ou pas ?
Moi je pensais a un truc avec le fait qu'Eden va être le collègue d'Alec aussi ... Peut-être qu'il pourrait être le seul a être au courant qu'ils sont marriés alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 314468362
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Mailynn Grayson-Mayfield

Mailynn Grayson-Mayfield
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/04/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 343
☆ Avatar : shailene woodley
☆ Crédits : ©tumblr (gifs) ©episkey. (signature) ©Sugar Slaughter (avatar)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : en 1ère année dans la filière « génie chimique »

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Avr - 10:48

bah je sais pas, a voir avec marine si ça lui va alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 56365784 et aussi du coup comment alec se comporterait vis a vis d'eux Arrow
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Eden L. Grayson-Mayfield

Eden L. Grayson-Mayfield
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 16/04/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 66
☆ Avatar : Andrew Garfield
☆ Crédits : (c) Shiya (avatar)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Professeur de Biochimie
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Tumblr_static_catface_andrew

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Avr - 10:55

Je me permets de me taper l'incruste en grande délinquante que je suis. Mais ça me va parfaitement alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 314468362
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Alec J. Connolly

Alec J. Connolly
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/02/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 1274
☆ Avatar : David Tennant
☆ Crédits : ©Moutyy (avatar) ©Soapflaws (signature)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Prof de chimie
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Tumblr_m4sml4n8hm1qi3rkr

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Avr - 10:57

Roh l'incruuuuuuste alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 56365784
Vu son caractère je pense qu'Alec ne serait pas contre même s'il les trouve jeune. Mais vu son passé il est un peu du genre a vivre au jour le jour donc il comprendrait leur décision et la soutiendrait
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Mailynn Grayson-Mayfield

Mailynn Grayson-Mayfield
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/04/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 343
☆ Avatar : shailene woodley
☆ Crédits : ©tumblr (gifs) ©episkey. (signature) ©Sugar Slaughter (avatar)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : en 1ère année dans la filière « génie chimique »

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Avr - 11:00

bon bah ça, ça me va alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 56365784 maintenant, reste a voir comment il serait en cours avec ma bonnefemme Suspect
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Alec J. Connolly

Alec J. Connolly
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/02/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 1274
☆ Avatar : David Tennant
☆ Crédits : ©Moutyy (avatar) ©Soapflaws (signature)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Prof de chimie
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Tumblr_m4sml4n8hm1qi3rkr

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Avr - 11:02

Ah oui la c'est une autre histoire ... alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 56365784
Elle elle est comment en cours ? Genre bonne élève ou plutôt fouteuse de merde ?
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Mailynn Grayson-Mayfield

Mailynn Grayson-Mayfield
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/04/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 343
☆ Avatar : shailene woodley
☆ Crédits : ©tumblr (gifs) ©episkey. (signature) ©Sugar Slaughter (avatar)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : en 1ère année dans la filière « génie chimique »

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Avr - 11:04

euh... a méditer alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 56365784 entre les deux ? alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 3276791710 excellente bonne élève, toujours de bonnes notes itout itout, mais foutueuse de merde alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 314468362
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Alec J. Connolly

Alec J. Connolly
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/02/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 1274
☆ Avatar : David Tennant
☆ Crédits : ©Moutyy (avatar) ©Soapflaws (signature)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Prof de chimie
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Tumblr_m4sml4n8hm1qi3rkr

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Avr - 11:08

Mouais donc en gros Alec serait le prof a la pousser a aller plus loin vu qu'elle est douée mais a péter un plomb qu'elle foute la merde tout le temps quoi. Et par contre en dehors des cours pas de souci quoi même si Alec lui lancerait quelques pics parfois en rapport avec le fait qu'elle fou rien en cours justement alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 56365784
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Mailynn Grayson-Mayfield

Mailynn Grayson-Mayfield
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/04/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 343
☆ Avatar : shailene woodley
☆ Crédits : ©tumblr (gifs) ©episkey. (signature) ©Sugar Slaughter (avatar)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : en 1ère année dans la filière « génie chimique »

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Avr - 11:12

donc on fait ça alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 314468362
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Alec J. Connolly

Alec J. Connolly
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/02/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 1274
☆ Avatar : David Tennant
☆ Crédits : ©Moutyy (avatar) ©Soapflaws (signature)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Prof de chimie
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Tumblr_m4sml4n8hm1qi3rkr

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Avr - 11:18

Ca marche !! alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 314468362
Je vous ajouterais tous les deux quand je serais sur mon gros ordi vu que mon petit galère à mort et que je devrais être en train de réviser alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 56365784
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Anne-Katherine Blake

Anne-Katherine Blake
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 26/04/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 46
☆ Avatar : Chantal Machabée
☆ Crédits : ChantalCH
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Officier à la division des homicides de la police et maman a temps plein de deux merveilleuses filles
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 862424Fouriredechantal

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptySam 26 Avr - 23:30

comme tu semble aimé l'histoire de mon personnage , je me suis dit pourquoi pas venir lui demander un petit lien ?
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Alec J. Connolly

Alec J. Connolly
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/02/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 1274
☆ Avatar : David Tennant
☆ Crédits : ©Moutyy (avatar) ©Soapflaws (signature)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Prof de chimie
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Tumblr_m4sml4n8hm1qi3rkr

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptySam 26 Avr - 23:50

Oh ouiiii volontiers alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 363826039
Tu aurais une petite idée ou pas ?
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Anne-Katherine Blake

Anne-Katherine Blake
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 26/04/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 46
☆ Avatar : Chantal Machabée
☆ Crédits : ChantalCH
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Officier à la division des homicides de la police et maman a temps plein de deux merveilleuses filles
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 862424Fouriredechantal

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyDim 27 Avr - 0:14

non pas vraiment
toi tu as une idée sinon on trouve ensemble ?
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Alec J. Connolly

Alec J. Connolly
☆ Arrivée à Princeton : 14/02/2014
☆ Copies rendues : 1274
☆ Avatar : David Tennant
☆ Crédits : ©Moutyy (avatar) ©Soapflaws (signature)
☆ Etudes/Emploi : Prof de chimie
alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Tumblr_m4sml4n8hm1qi3rkr

alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 EmptyDim 27 Avr - 8:42

Non aucun idée alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 314468362
J'aurais pensé à un lien par le biais d'Azur mais vu qu'elle ne fait pas du tout des études qui se rapprochent de ce qu'enseigne Alec ça va être dur alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 56365784
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alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you   alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you - Page 2 Empty

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alec j. connolly ☆ even when you think you're alone, someone out there is thinking of you

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